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Maps of the river Siesartis, Lithuania

Maps of the river Siesartis

Maps and aerial photos of the river Siesartis. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Siesartis. Google maps the river Siesartis, Lithuania, Utena and Vilnius county, Moletai and Ukmerge district, Luokesa, Videniskiai, Zelva, Sesuoliai, Zemaitkiemis and Lyduokiai municipality. Places near the river: village Leliai, village Pagrabuosciai, Molėtai town, the lake Pastovelis, village Promislava, village Svistapolis, forest Moletu, the lake Lukstinis, the lake Rituskis, forest Ziezmaukos, village Linuciai, village Videniskiai, village Zujevka, village Baltadvaris, village Bitlesiai, village Girelr. forest Šilas, village Kursiskiai, the lake Lainys, village Siesartis, village Pikciunai, village Krupeliai, village Peciuliskis, forest Daubariskiu, village Silininkai, forest Jernimavos, village Bendrine, village Pavarde, village Rutkiskiai, forest Bliudasilis, village Zelva, village Svirpline, village Virbalai, forest Vederu, village Masiuliai, village Krapos, village Minikiai, forest Daratlaukis, village Valai, village Ramoniske, village Antatilciai, forest Felinkos, village Lyduokiai, village Valtunai, village Lentvorai, forest Lentvoru, village Siesartis, village Vaisgeliskis, forest Vaizgeliskio, village Kunigeliai. Tributaries of the river Siesartis: the brook Zeziebra, the creek Pagrinda, the river Grabuosta, the river Skardelis, the river Kamina, the river Rituske, the river Paskardinis, the river Legus, the river Salciukas, the river Triupelis, the river Duobuze, the river Varnake, the river Mokia, the river Niuriskis, the river Skerdimo upelis, the river Vardas, the river Zelva, the river Duobuze, the river Krape, the river Sesuola, the river Plastaka, the river Zverupis, the river Saltupis, the river Sventoji. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: remains of Baltadvaris Bastion castle, hillfort Daubariskiai, hillfort Antatilciai, Siesartis landscape reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: