Upių labirintasKelionės į Gruziją

King Wilhelm channel (Klaipeda channel)

King Wilhelm channel (Klaipeda channel) connect the river Minija and the Curonian Lagoon.

Length of the channel 22 km, width 28 m (15 m at bottom), depth 1.7 m. The channel starts 20 km to the river Minija mouth, a bit south from Lankupiai village. The channel extends from southeast to northwest. At Smelte (southern suburb of Klaipeda city) the channel connects the Curonian Lagoon. At Lankupiai village is the sluice. The channel excavated 1863-73 by French prisoners of war. In 1875 the channell passed 1024 ships and 4314 wooden rafts.

All year


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Distance from the mouth

22.3 The canal connects the river Minija. right Lankupiai.

21.9 The slice. Inoperative 1st gate.

21.7 The slice. Inoperative 2nd gate.

20.8 Priekule - Sakuciai road bridge. left Kiosiai.

19.9 left (behind embankment) Svencele swamp. Extends approx. 1 km.

18.2 Remains of the bridge. left Kalviskiai.

16.0 Priekule - Svencele road bridge. right Joksai.

13.3 left Dreverna. left Dreverna.

12.7 left (behind embankment) Klisupe.

12.0 Priekule - Drevernos road bridge. right Piaulai.

8.9 left right forest. Extends approx. 5 km.

6.9 Remains of the bridge. right Vaskiai.

3.8 Steel skeleton of the bridge. right Kairiai.

0.1 Bridge.

0.0 The canal connects the Malku bay of the Curonian Lagoon at the container terminal of Klaipeda port.

© 2014 J.D.Endriukaitis