Upių labirintasKelionės į Gruziją

Maps of the river Kiauna, Lithuania

Maps of the river Kiauna

Maps of the river Kiauna. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Kiauna. Google maps the river Kiauna, Lithuania, Vilnius and Utena county, Utena, Moletai, Ignalina and Svencionys district, Ciulenai, Saldutiskis, Linkmenai and Kaltanenai municipality. Places near the river: village Padumble, the lake Rugstelis, the lake Vizerininkas, the lake Obelyne, the lake Baraukinis, the lake Karosiukas, the lake Karosinukas, the lake Varliukas, the lake Aisetas, forest of Pliesiskiai, forest of Pašeksciai, village Alne, village Zvaigziakalnis, village Satiniskis, the lake Dumblelis, Aukštuolės miškas, village Paaisete I, village Snieriskes, village Paaisete II, the lake Eserinis, the lake Kuojinis, village Pavajuonis, forest Degutine, the lake Vajuonis, village Gatakiemis, forest of Paaisete, village Akmenyne, village Sciurys, the lake Trinkunai, village Antakalnis, the lake Juodenis, forest of Gatakiemis, village Paaisete I, village Pajuodene, village Paalsuode, forest of Zablaciskis, the lake Pagramdas, village Pastoviskis, village Sidabrine, village Kiauneliskis, the lake Kiaunas, village Pakiaunys, village Stirnine, village Paulinavas, village Briedines, village Jakutiske, village Vasiuliske, the lake Meksrinis, village Zvirbliske, village Palabazys, forest of Palabazys, village Kuriniai, village Pagiliute, the lake Giliutas, the lake Sekluotis, the lake Zmoginis, village Kukliai, the lake Kaltanis, village Sakaliske, forest of Kuliai. Tributaries of the river Kiauna: the brook Alsuodele, the creek Vadoksnelis, the river Lapavarte, the river Raudonupis, the river Grauzupis, the river Dumble, the river Vyzinta, the river Kuksa, the river Laukine, the river Juodene, the river Labaže, the river Liedele. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Labanoras Regional Park. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: