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Maps of the river Nedzingis, Amarnia, Lithuania

Maps of the river Nedzingis

Maps and aerial photos of the river Nedzingis, Amarnia. Kayaking, canoeing, rafting, paddling the river Nedzingis, Amarnia. Google maps the river Nedzingis, Amarnia, Lithuania, Alytus county, Varena district, Merkine and Marcinkonys municipality. Places near the river: village Sapiegiske, village Nedzinge, village Karuzai, village Dubaklonis, the lake Rakatansku ezerėlis, the lake Nedzingis, forest Laiciu, forest Samanynas, the lake Ilgelis, the lake Sidabriske, forest Nedzinges, the lake Karuzai, the pond of Karuzai, forest Karuzu, forest Perlojos, village Bukoraistele, the lake Bukoraistis, forest Bukoraiscio, Perloja town. Tributaries of the river Nedzingis, Amarnia: the brook Rimenu upelis, the creek Karme, the river Nedzingele, the river Lydekine, the river Vinksnine, the river Perkasas, the river Merkys. Points of interest, sightseeings, protected places: Dzukija National Park, Merkys ichthyologic Reserve. Places to stay, rural tourism: Campsites: Kayak, canoe, raft rentals: